Accelerated Memory Tech, LLC, an entity affiliated with Atlanta-based monetization firm IP Investments Group, LLC (d/b/a IPinvestments Group), has filed a third case in its sole campaign litigating a single patent generally related to improving server performance. The latest defendant is F5 Networks (2:19-cv-00183); the new case, filed in the Western District of Washington, joins a Northern District of Georgia suit against Barracuda Networks still active after an apparent settlement in a prior case brought against Citrix (the first suit filed in this campaign, in April 2018). F5 Networks is accused of infringement through the provision of its BIG-IP Platform, which allegedly “includes services such as WebAccelerator that perform functions such as handling HTTP requests, dynamic caching, and load balancing”. Meanwhile, last month, Accelerated Memory filed its opposition to a Barracuda Networks motion challenging the patent-in-suit as invalid under Alice.