Add to the list of portfolio pickups by the same Korean monetization firm, which already includes batches of US patents from SKhynix and SOLiD, a set of assets more recently acquired from Suzhou Lekin Semiconductor Co. Ltd. (d/b/a LEKIN). Assignments recently made public by the USPTO also reveal bursts of activity from two monetization professionals, both suggesting possible strategy shifts going forward.
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Another plaintiff appears poised to litigate mobile device patents originally developed years ago at Wildseed Ltd., a “venture-funded mobile technology startup” acquired by AOL a decade before its own acquisition by Verizon. A November 2021 transfer of three such patents joins a half dozen patents moved into the hands of Wildseed Mobile LLC this past August. If the new owner does sue, it will join several other recent plaintiffs that, according to public records, have received funding from the same third party.
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Related Parties
Two parties are related if one controls the other (e.g. a corporate parent controls a wholly owned subsidiary). Two parties may also be related if both are controlled by the same third party, whether individual or company (e.g. two LLCs are related if both are controlled by the same sole member).Affiliated Parties
Affiliated parties share in common a manager, member, and/or physical address. If a party has disclosed that it has entered into a partnership with another party, those two parties may also be considered affiliates.