Audio MPEG, Inc., the US subsidiary of international patent licensing company Sisvel International S.A., has filed yet another lawsuit in its long-running MPEG audio compression campaign. The case (1:15-cv-1674), filed against Dell, is the second that Audio MPEG has initiated this year. The first case (2:15-cv-00073), filed against HP, has been stayed pending resolution of three petitions for inter partes review (IPR) of the three patents at issue in both suits (5,323,396; 5,777,992; 5,539,829). The NPE did not serve its February 2015 complaint against HP until June; HP filed its petitions for IPR within a week of service (IPR2015-01505, IPR2015-01506, IPR2015-01507). An institution decision is due by statute at the end of January.