
Acacia’s Acquisition Expenses Exceed Revenue by $77 Million

February 28, 2013

February 25, 2013 – Acacia Research announced fourth quarter and full year 2012 financial results on February 21st. Acacia reported that it spent $113 million to acquire rights to nine patent portfolios in Q4.  During 2012, Acacia spent a total of $328 million to acquire control of 55 patent portfolios. (Just under half of that amount was spent to acquire ADAPTIX, Inc. for $150 million in January.)  By comparison, during 2011, Acacia spent a total of only $15 million to acquire 40 portfolios.  In addition to the 10x increase in overall patent acquisition expense, the average transaction cost was also far greater in 2012. For the 54 portfolios acquired in 2012 other than Adaptix, the average cost was $3.3 million. Acacia also reported fourth quarter revenues of $66 million and 27 new “revenue” (license) agreements. Full year revenues were $251 million from a total of 138 agreements.

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