May 3, 2012- The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) filed an ITC complaint (CMOS Image Sensors: ITC-337-2895) on May 1st against Nokia, RIM, and STMicro alleging infringement of three patents (5,841,126, 5,990,506, and 6,606,122) related to CMOS image sensors. Caltech previously asserted the ‘126 and ‘506 patents in the ITC in 2001 against Creative Labs, Omnivision Technologies, and X10 Wireless Technology (CMOS Active Pixel Image Sensors and Products Containing Same: ITC-337-TA-451) which ended in a settlement by all parties. Caltech also asserted the ’506, ’122 and ’126 patents in two district court suits filed in 2008 and 2010. In 2008, Caltech filed suit against camera makers Nikon, Panasonic, Sony, Samsung, Canon, and Olympus. (2-08-cv-08637) In November 2010, Catech filed suit against STMicro, SETi, Toshiba, LG, Nokia, and Pantech (2-10-cv-09099). Thus far, Pantech, LG, Toshiba, and SETi have been dismissed from this suit, presumably due to settlement. (Nokia was also granted a stay from the litigation.) On April 13, 2012 Judge Mariana Pfaelzer order Caltech to filed an amend its infringement contentions to contain “more than mere conclusory statements in support of their claims.”