
Klausner Sues 13 More Visual Voicemail Providers

March 21, 2012

Klausner Technologies [NPE] filed 13 separate suits against Donoma, Estech Systems, Halloo, Mutare, Ringobon, Tango Networks, Teo, United States Cellular, Viatalk, Voipo, VoiceRite,Voxernet, and Zeacom, alleging that the defendants’ messaging services infringe a patent related to visual voicemail.  Klausner has filed over 50 prior suits against defendants including 8 x 8, Apple, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, HP, HTC, MetroPCS, Microsoft, Motorola Mobility, NEC, Panasonic, Qwest, RIM, Samsung, Toshiba, Verizon, and Vonage.  Judah Klausner, the founder of Klausner Technologies, and Robert Hotto are the named inventors on the patent-in-suit, which was assigned to Visual Access Technologies in March 2005.  3/20, Eastern District of Texas, 6:2012cv00172; 6:2012cv00173; 6:2012cv00174; 6:2012cv00175; 6:2012cv00176; 6:2012cv00177; 6:2012cv00179; 6:2012cv00180; 6:2012cv00181; 6:2012cv00182; 6:2012cv00183; 6:2012cv00184; 6:2012cv00185.

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