
Select Retrieval Sues Benchmark Brands

February 6, 2012

Select Retrieval [NPE] filed suit against Benchmark Brands, alleging that Benchmark’s website infringes a patent related to parametric search, or guided navigation.  Select Retrieval has filed 10 prior suits since June 2011 against over 140 defendants including BarnesandNoble.com, Dell, LG, Pantech, Philips, Radio Shack, Staples, Walgreen’s and Wal-Mart. The patents-in-suit were issued to inventor David D. Lowry and were assigned to Lowry Software, Cornus Corporation, Stratia Concepts and Unifi Scientific Advances before being assigned to Select Retrieval in February 2011.  RPX obtained sublicense rights to the Select Retrieval patents on behalf of clients in November 2011.  2/2, Northern District of Georgia, 1:2012cv00358.

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