
PACT XXP Technologies, AG Awarded Enhanced Damages

September 12, 2013

PACT XXP Technologies, AG’s (PACT) lawsuit against Xilinx and Avnet concluded last week with an enhanced judgment in favor of PACT. On May 21, 2013 a jury entered a verdict of just under $15.4 million in favor of PACT in a patent infringement case against Xilinx and Avnet. In a ruling made last week, the Court entered a judgment enhancing damages by $23.1 million and awarded PACT attorney’s fees, interest, and costs. PACT originally accused Xilinx and Avnet of infringing two PACT patents (6,119,181; 6,338,106) through their sale of Xilinx-branded Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) chips.  The jury upheld the validity of the patents-in-suit and found Xilinx was liable for willful infringement. After the jury’s verdict, PACT argued that it is entitled to an ongoing royalty for Xilinx’s and Avnet’s ongoing infringement of the asserted patents in lieu of a permanent injunction. That issue was severed into a separate case and the parties were ordered to schedule a mediation to attempt to negotiate a license. PACT , a company based in Munich, Germany, is an early developer of “coarse grained” technology used in modern FPGAs and is not currently involved in any other infringement suits. 2:13cv00691

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