
Audio Storage and Playback Campaign Revived by Advanced Audio

October 24, 2013

Nearly three years since its last filing, Advanced Audio Devices reignited its enforcement campaign with suits against Amazon, HTC, and Kyocera. The suits assert five patents, two of which were asserted in Advanced Audio’s previous litigation (6587403; 7289393; 7817502; 7933171; 8400888). The patents-in-suit relate to storage and playback of audio tracks from a personal digital audio player. In the complaints, defendants’ digital audio players are accused of infringing the asserted patents. Advanced Audio’s listed manager, Peter Keller, is the named inventor on the litigated patents. None of Advanced Audio’s previous suits are still open; they ended in dismissal with the most recent dismissal in May 2012. Previous defendants include Philips and Toshiba. 10/22, Northern District of Illinois, 1:13cv07577, 1:13cv07582, 1:13cv07585

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