
Rockstar Files First Patent Suits

November 7, 2013

Rockstar Consortium filed eight lawsuits last week as part of two litigation campaigns. One campaign involved seven defendants, ASUS, HTC, Huawei, LG, Pantech, Samsung, and ZTE and asserts seven patents. The patents-in-suit relate to various aspects of mobile communications, including messaging, navigating the graphical interface, and networking (5838551; 6037937; 6128298; 6333973; 6463131; 6765591; 6937572). Each case asserts at least six patents and several of them assert all seven. In each case, defendants’ mobile devices are accused of infringing the litigated patents. On the same day, Rockstar also sued Google, asserting seven patents all related to providing advertising to users based on a search request (6098065; 7236969; 7469245; 7672970; 7895178; 7933883). That suit accuses Google’s search service of infringement. These are the first suits filed by Rockstar, a consortium of companies that joined to acquire and monetize patents sold by Nortel Networks.  10/31, Eastern District of Texas, 2:13cv00893, 2:13cv00894, 2:13cv00895, 2:13cv00896, 2:13cv00898, 2:13cv00899, 2:13cv00900, 2:13cv00901

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