Two New Audio-Related Campaigns by Affinity Labs, Targeting Cars and Phones
Affinity Labs launched two new assertion campaigns in a single day, targeting two mobile device makers and seven car manufacturers. The cases, like those previously filed by Affinity, all assert patents related to integrated media systems. The suits filed against Blackberry and Samsung assert a single patent related to a mobile communication system with media playback capabilities (8,532,641) and defendants’ mobile devices are accused of infringement. Cases against car companies Ford, Honda, General Motors, Jaguar, Nissan, Toyota, and Volvo assert two patents related to an automobile entertainment system that includes display and playback of media content (8,554,191; 8,588,680). In those lawsuits defendants’ automobile sound systems are accused of infringing the asserted patents. None of the patents-in-suit have been used in previous litigation. They were developed by the owners of Affinity Labs and are owned by the entity. 11/21, Western District of Texas, 6:13cv00362, 6:13cv00363, 6:13cv00364, 6:13cv00365, 6:13cv00366, 6:13cv00367, 6:13cv00368, 6:13cv00369, 6:13cv00370