
One Number Files Second Suit against Google

February 6, 2014

One Number Corporation first sued Google in March 2010 asserting two patents related to a call forwarding system where one number is tied to multiple devices, all of which will ring when there is an incoming call (7,440,565, 7,680,256). That case is still ongoing and now One Number has filed a second case against Google, asserting a different patent that relates to the same technology (8,611,511). While the first case accused the Google Voice product of infringing the patents-in-suit, the new complaint only states that Google is infringing the asserted patent by making a system that embodies the patented technology. All three patents were transferred to One Number by the same inventor in 2005. The ‘565 patent was previously asserted against RingCentral but the other two patents have only been asserted against Google. 1/31, Southern District of Indiana, 1:14cv00142

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