
Jury Says Google Did Not Infringe, Invalidates Multiple Claims of Personalized Search Patents

March 27, 2014

Following a six-day trial, and more than four-and-a-half years of litigation, Google prevailed in an infringement suit brought by Personalized User Model (PUM).  In July 2009 PUM sued Google for alleged infringement of two patents; later, through an amended complaint, PUM asserted a third patent. All three patents-in-suit relate to automatic, online personalized information and product services (6,981,040, 7,320,031, 7,685,276). PUM’s complaints accused Google’s personalized search and advertising technology, including iGoogle (a personalized web portal product that was retired in November 2013), of infringing the asserted patents. Later PUM also accused other Google search and ad applications as well as its news aggregator and YouTube video recommendations.

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