
AT&T is Newest ISP Sued by Former Op Co Ziplink

March 27, 2014

Ziplink filed suit against AT&T asserting two patents that it has used in previous litigation (7,672,998, 8,271,596). AT&T’s e-mail products are accused of infringing the asserted patents. The patents-in-suit relate to controlling transmission of messages between servers and they originated with Ziplink, a former operating company. It operated as an Internet service provider until 2000 and its Texas Internet service network appears to still be active, operated by CellTex Networks. The ’998 patent was filed in November 2000, around the end of Ziplink’s time as an operating company, and the ’596 patent was filed in 2010 long after the entity had ceased operations. Ziplink filed its first litigation in December 2011 and then went on to file two groups of cases in November 2012 and September 2013. The defendants all provide Internet services to consumers and the cases all assert at least one of the two patents involved in the current suit. Past defendants include Google, Cablevision, Cox, Lycos, and Time Warner Cable. 3/20, District of Connecticut, 3:14cv00356

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