
Twenty Five More Suits by Genaville Brings Campaign Total to 50

June 15, 2015

Genaville LLC’s second round of litigation is no smaller than its first, adding 25 suits to the original 25 filed on May 28. Newly named defendants include Abercromie & Fitch, Container Store, Gilt Groupe, Home Depot, NFL, Ralph Lauren, and Systemax. Similar to the original suits, the new cases assert a single patent, 5,999,927, which concerns searching electronic documents in response to a search query. The patent-in-suit was developed by Xerox and assigned to Genaville in May 2015. Genaville’s first suits in May kicked off several campaigns asserting former Xerox patents. Other NPEs asserting patents acquired from Xerox include Graham Springs, Loramax, and Red Anvil.

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