
Delaware DJ Actions Fail to Deter MTel from Filing in Texas

May 11, 2016

Weeks after Bright House Networks, ARRIS, and UBEE Interactive filed declaratory judgment actions against Mobile Telecommunications Technologies, LLC (MTel) in Delaware, MTel has added five new Texas suits to its wireless communications campaign, including an affirmative case against UBEE (2:16-cv-00461). The other four defendants are Aerohive Networks (2:16-cv-00468), Firetide (2:16-cv-00474), Ruckus Wireless (2:16-cv-00466), and Xirrus (2:16-cv-00471). Each new complaint asserts the same three patents (5,590,4035,659,8915,915,210), targeting the defendants’ 802.11 standard compliant products.

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