
Sixteen More Defendants Pulled into Digital Audio Encoding Campaign

July 1, 2016

Digital Audio Encoding Systems, LLC (DAES) has more than doubled the number of defendants in its sole litigation campaign, filing new complaints against AlphabetAmazonBest Buy, BlackBerryeBayHTCHuaweiLenovo (Motorola Mobility), LG Electronics, Nokia, SonyT-MobileToshibaVerizonWal-Mart, and ZTE. The NPE asserts a single digital signal encoding patent (7,490,037), accusing the defendants of infringement through the manufacture and sale of various Android devices (smartphones, tablets, wearables, etc.) that come pre-installed with audio or video streaming apps, including Google Music Play, Samsung Milk Music, Slacker Radio, and/or Youtube. DAES is one of many entities recently formed by Erik Stamell, four of which have so far launched litigation.

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