Maxon LLC, an NPE controlled by a family of inventors, has started a new campaign targeting smart TV makers, asserting a family of four patents (7,171,194; 7,486,649; 7,489,671; 8,989,160) generally related to dynamically assigning a telephone number to a device based on a unique identifier (other than the telephone number) associated with the device. The entity has sued LG Electronics (LGE) (1:16-cv-06840), On Corp. (1:16-cv-06841), Panasonic (1:16-cv-06843), Sanyo (1:16-cv-06845), and Vizio (1:16-cv-06846), accusing each of infringement through the authentication systems used by their network-enabled TVs to log into services such as Netflix (which is mentioned in each of Maxon’s complaints, but not named as a defendant). These lawsuits are the NPE’s first to date, and Maxon’s campaign marks the first time that the patents-in-suit have been asserted in litigation.