Xilinx Becomes Second Defendant in Arbor Global’s New Semiconductors Campaign
One week after suing Samsung in the Eastern District of Texas, Arbor Global Strategies LLC has asserted the same three patents—as well as a fourth—against Xilinx (1:19-cv-01986) in the District of Delaware. The patents are described as relating “to a new type of IC called a ‘stacked die hybrid’”, providing particular value to “Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) IC modules” by allowing for “high bandwidth and low latency operation”. Arbor Global identifies the accused products as “products and services that utilize Xilinx’s ICs with 3D Stacked Silicon Interconnects (‘SSI’) and [High Bandwidth Memory (HBM)], which include Xilinx’s Virtex FPGA, Virtex UltraScale FPGA, Virtex UltraScale+ FPGA, Kintex UltraScale FPGA, Kintex UltraScale+ FPGA ICs, and Virtex UltraScale+ HBM ICs”.
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