Second Federal Circuit Opinion Reversing Construction of Vederi Patent Claims May Push Litigation Against Google Street View Past the Ten-Year Mark
Nearly a decade ago, inventor-controlled Vederi, LLC filed suit against Google (2:10-cv-07747) in the Central District of California, where in 2014 District Judge Alex Kozinski had just begun to grapple with a Federal Circuit reversal of some of the court’s claim constructions when the parties agreed to stay the case to await the outcome of inter partes reexamination proceedings for the four patents-in-suit. Nine status reports have since been filed, and the next will no doubt report that last week, the Federal Circuit reversed another claim construction, this one offered by the Board during reexam, remanding back down for further proceedings. The patents-in-suit generally relate to “creating synthesized images of a geographic area through which a user may then visually navigate via a computer”, with infringement allegations targeting Google’s Street View service.
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