
Two Apparent IP Edge Plaintiffs Litigate Members of a Split Family of Former Cypress Patents

September 30, 2021

Texas monetization firm IP Edge LLC has filed suit over another of the former Cypress Semiconductor patents received from Monterey Research, LLC in November 2020. Mallard IP LLC has accused Inspur Systems (2:21-cv-01332) and Super Micro Computer (6:21-cv-01011) of infringing the patent—generally related to a “programmable digital circuit block”—through the incorporation of DDR4 SDRAMs within their NF3120M5 and SuperServer E300-9D servers, respectively. As a formal matter, the new cases do not constitute a new campaign, as Heritage IP LLC, another apparent IP Edge plaintiff, is already litigating another patent in the same family, suing Fossil (1:21-cv-01401) and Nintendo (2:21-cv-01333) just last week.

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