
VoIP-Pal Sues New Defendants in West Texas, Fights Sanctions in Northern California

December 12, 2021

VoIP-Pal.com, Inc. (VPLM) has been litigating its sole campaign, begun in 2016, in three federal district courts: the District of Nevada, where the publicly traded NPE first filed suit; the Northern District of California, where Judge Lucy H. Koh has handed down two lengthy orders invalidating VPLM patents under Alice; and the Western District of Texas, where the matters filed before Judge Alan D. Albright have been piling up. Count two new cases—one filed against each of Huawei (6:21-cv-01247) and Samsung (6:21-cv-01246)—in that latter group, each over two patents characterized elsewhere as the plaintiff’s “gateway patents”. These two suits, against defendants appearing in the campaign for the first time, appear to be another VPLM attempt to escape Judge Koh, who has before her a motion for sanctions filed by Twitter, seeking a six-figure attorney fees award in light of VPLM’s alleged “vexatious and oppressive litigation conduct” after a December 2020 order that Twitter contends should have ended matters.

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