November 25, 2011- Enterasys Networks has introduced “isaac,” a social media based network monitoring and reporting system. Network administrators can receive system generated network management alerts in natural language format such as “my server in Houston in near capacity” via Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Salesforce Chatter. According to documentation on the Enterasys web site, “Enterasys isaac is a new social product that evolves how we interact with network control systems – with the ability to proactively manage any device connected to the IP network through a social media interface. The motivation to develop isaac was to address the complexity avalanche facing technology consumers. If we define the consumption gap as the delta between how products are used versus the capabilities of the product, that consumption gap can be seen as growing every day. To provide additional security, isaac has a number of security features built-in. First is a multi-tiered consumption model. You can provision isaac to be an alert-only system. In this mode isaac would inform the subscribers of network events and status messages. Network operators would use traditional tools to remediate conditions. The second consumption model allows isaac to interpret commands that are posted on the social media channel and perform actions. This mode is additionally secured by selecting which user accounts can request actions and the types of actions those users may request of isaac.”