
ITC Setback Prompts Sonraí Memory to File a Second Complaint There

May 12, 2022

A paring down of claims-at-issue has been underway in the months leading up to the June 6, 2022 evidentiary hearing, planned in response to the International Trade Commission (ITC) complaint that Sonraí Memory Limited filed against respondents Amazon, Dell (EMC), Lenovo (Motorola Mobility), LG Electronics (LGE), and Samsung last August. Some of that paring down has come through Sonraí’s motions to drop certain claims from the investigation, but a May 6, 2022 initial determination granting-in-part the respondents’ motion for summary determination dismissed one of the three original patents from the investigation entirely. Sonraí anticipated this result, having gone back in February of this year to one of the sources for its patents to cure the problem and having filed this past week a separate complaint before the ITC that will restart litigation against the same set of respondents there as to the dismissed patent (337-TA-3621).

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