
VLSI Responds to Judge Connolly, Asks That Stay Be Lifted

August 20, 2022

Earlier this month, District Judge Colm F. Connolly stayed litigation brought by VLSI Technology LLC against Intel in Delaware, concurrently unsealing a declaration from VLSI’s CEO, Michael Stolarski. Judge Connolly characterized that declaration as “clearly inadequate”, halting the case until VLSI demonstrates compliance with the court’s new standing order regarding corporate disclosure. VLSI has responded, filing another Stolarski declaration, disclosing little additional information and asking that the stay be lifted because VLSI “has complied with the Court’s August 1, 2022 Order to the best of [its] ability, and is not withholding any responsive information from the Court”. That declaration also reports the response of Fortress Investment Group LLC to VLSI, seeking information responsive to Judge Connolly, as well.

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