
Two Steps Forward in Texas, One Step Back in Delaware, for Fortress’s VLSI

November 18, 2022

Originally set to proceed in May but derailed by COVID-19, a third trial in VLSI Technology LLC’s multi-front, years-long battle against Intel commenced on November 7 in the Western District of Texas, District Judge Alan D. Albright presiding. The outcome of this week’s trial—a $949M jury verdict in VLSI’s favor—as well as a that of a 2021 trial between VLSI and Intel in the same venue, resulting in a $2.2B award for the NPE—sit in stark contrast to recent developments in the Delaware prong of VLSI’s campaign. There, litigation remains stalled as VLSI navigates Chief Judge Colm F. Connolly’s standing orders regarding corporate disclosure and third-party litigation funding.

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