
Same Plaintiff Files with Fresher Patents Against a New Defendant in a Different Court

May 29, 2023

The first round of litigation from Mimzi, LLC fizzled out when the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) canceled all claims from the sole patent that the inventor-controlled plaintiff had asserted in separate District of Delaware complaints filed against Foursquare Labs and TripAdvisor, in late 2018, and against Acer, ASUSTek, and HTC, in early 2019. More than two years later, Mimzi has returned to litigation, this time with three more recently issued patents from the same family, at issue in a new case against Samsung (2:23-cv-00238), filed in the Eastern District of Texas. The accused products are Samsung Galaxy smartphones and tablets using the SmartThings Find technology and/or the Bixby virtual assistant.  

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