
Judge Connolly Accused of Influencing a Texas Employer “to Engage in Gender Harassment and Discrimination (e.g., in the Form of ‘Mansplaining’)”

June 11, 2023

A Texas paralegal identified as the sole owner of Backertop Licensing LLC—an entity tied to Texas monetization firm IP Edge LLC—has pointedly objected to pressure from Chief Judge Colm F. Connolly to attend an in-person hearing over the failure of Backertop, in litigation that it filed in his court, to comply with the heightened disclosure requirements he imposed there last April. In early May, after that owner indicated that personal and professional obligations would prevent her from making any in-person appearances “at any time in the foreseeable future”, Judge Connolly sent materials from the cases to her employer, stating his belief that this disclosure would reveal that her work obligations “might not be as burdensome as she had suggested”. The owner now attests, in a June 7 sworn declaration, that she feels “harassed” by the court’s requirement that her appearance at a hearing now set for July be in person and feels that “the Court’s treatment of [her] and its expectation of [her] ’employer’ to explain to [her] what [she] can and cannot do is textbook gender harassment and intimidation, and further influencing [her] employer to engage in gender harassment and discrimination (e.g., in the form of ‘mansplaining’)”.

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