Four plaintiffs tied to Texas monetization firm IP Edge LLC with cases before Delaware Chief Judge Colm F. Connolly—Backertop Licensing LLC, Lamplight Licensing LLC, Mellaconic IP LLC, and Nimitz Technologies LLC—have made voluminous document productions to the court concerning their formation and control. Most recently in the hot seat among this bunch has been Backertop, the sole owner of which, Lori LaPray, has been ordered, over repeated objections, to appear in person at a July 20, 2023 hearing to discuss Backertop’s production. However, this past week, attention turned to one of the three IP Edge-tied plaintiffs—Creekview IP LLC, Swirlate IP LLC, and Waverly Licensing LLC—with cases stayed before Judge Connolly but that have not yet been ordered to make such a production. Judge Connolly set a July 21 evidentiary hearing “to determine whether the amended corporate disclosure statements [of Creekview IP] are accurate and whether Plaintiff has complied with the Court’s standing order regarding third-party litigation funding”. The court has ordered Jimmy Chong of Chong Law Firm P.A., as Creekview IP’s counsel this to time, to appear in person, along with the plaintiff’s sole owner. As it turns out, that sole owner is also a LaPray.