
NPE Affiliates of IPNav and Dominion Harbor Group Both Assert Energy Usage Patent Roughly a Decade Apart

September 6, 2016

Clean Energy Management Solutions, LLC (CEMS) has added three cases to one of its two active litigation campaigns, suing Cascade Energy (2:16-cv-00995), Schneider Electric (2:16-cv-00996), and Siemens (2:16-cv-00997) over a patent with a long history (6,577,962). The ‘962 patent, which generally relates to forecasting energy usage in real time, issued in June 2003 to Silicon Energy, a small California based energy startup. The defendants’ energy management platforms (i.e. Cascade’s SENSEI, Siemens’s SIMATIC B.Data, and Schneider’s PowerLogic ION EEM) are targeted in the new complaints, which follow by about a decade the first complaints to assert this patent in litigation.

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