
Patent Armory Defendants Piling Up

August 6, 2023

This past week, rapid-fire plaintiff Patent Armory Inc. tagged Holoplot (1:23-cv-00825), K-Array (6:23-cv-00555), NVIDIA (6:23-cv-00547), Panasonic (6:23-cv-00556), Sennheiser (1:23-cv-00823), Sonos (1:23-cv-00823), Telegram (1:23-cv-00840), Tencent (1:23-cv-00841), and Yamaha (6:23-cv-00557). Over 30 defendants have now been sued—some in the District of Delaware, some in the Western District of Texas, others in the Eastern District of Texas, and one in the District of New Jersey—each accused of infringing overlapping subsets of ten patents of disparate subject matter through the provision of certain audio devices, search engines, and/or customer service systems. Early signs suggest that this litigation will unfold in file-and-dismiss fashion.

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