
West Texas Judges Seem to Agree, There IS Something About Ramey

October 1, 2023

Western District of Texas Judge Xavier Rodriguez has stayed consideration of a Microsoft motion for sanctions against Ramey LLP, frequent plaintiff-side counsel in NPE patent cases, after CTD Networks LLC appealed Judge Rogriguez’s judgment against it. Among other things, CTD Networks and Ramey LLP, its counsel, filed amended pleadings that failed to address the court’s repeated, fatal pleading inadequacy concerns. Now, Western District of Texas Judge Alan D. Albright has dismissed a case that mCom IP, LLC filed against it after mCom IP, represented by Ramey LLP, failed to appear at a hearing to address Cisco’s motion to dismiss with prejudice an amended complaint there. Meanwhile, Western District of Texas Judge Robert L. Pitman has denied a request by LS Cloud Storage Technologies, LLC to revive a suit against Amazon, that suit having been dismissed with prejudice after the plaintiff, represented by Ramey LLP, failed even to meet a deadline by which to file an amended complaint.

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