
Philadelphia Inventor Spins New Filings Against Microsoft and Others in Website Carousel Campaign

December 9, 2016

Inventor Samuel Lit has doubled the size of his sole litigation campaign, asserting a single patent (8,793,330) generally related to an interactive image carousel against American Airlines (1:16-cv-11065), Daimler (Mercedes-Benz) (1:16-cv-11068), InterContinental Hotels Group (1:16-cv-11066), Kraft Heinz (1:16-cv-11067), and Microsoft (1:16-cv-11069). These latest filings come after Lit’s first wave of lawsuits in July, which targeted Apple (1:16-cv-07048), Comcast (1:16-cv-07050), Shutterfly (1:16-cv-07052), Walgreen (1:16-cv-07053), and Zazzle (1:16-cv-07054) over the same patent. As in that initial round of complaints, Lit’s newest targets are also accused of infringement through the display carousels used on their respective websites.

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