
Sensor360 Sues Eight Defendants over Former QinetiQ Patent

November 25, 2023

Delaware plaintiff Sensor360 LLC has launched its first litigation, suing Apptricity (2:23-cv-00536), Quicsolv Solutions (2:23-cv-00538), and Sewio (2:23-cv-00540) in the Eastern District of Texas; Litum Technologies (4:23-cv-04371) and UBiBot (4:23-cv-04402) in the Southern District of Texas; and Cisco (6:23-cv-00806), Microsoft (6:23-cv-00807), and Siemens (6:23-cv-00808) in the Western District of Texas. The separate complaints target the provision of real-time asset tracking systems with a focus on GPS location and certain related sensors and/or technologies, including inertial sensors (such as accelerometers, magnetometers, and gyroscopes) and/or ultra-wideband (UWB) support.

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