
Realtime Data Files Third Suit Against Oracle in Data Compression Campaign

January 27, 2017

Realtime Data LLC has added a third Texas case against Oracle (6:17-cv-00046) to its data compression campaign, now in its ninth year of litigation, asserting eight patents (6,597,812; 6,748,457; 7,358,867; 7,376,772; 8,502,707; 8,643,513; 8,717,204; 9,054,728) against various products related to data storage and networking. Oracle systems and services using certain database compression technologies are at issue, with those utilizing the company’s Hybrid Columnar Compression technology alleged to infringe the ‘812, ‘867, ‘707, ‘513, ‘204, and ‘728 patents and those incorporating its Advanced Row Compression feature further accused of infringing the ‘867 patent. The ‘867 patent is also asserted against Oracle’s Essbase, a platform for business analytics, modeling, and forecasting. In addition, the complaint targets certain servers and storage hardware, with the Oracle SPARC Solaris alleged to infringe the ‘457 patent and the company’s ZFS Storage Appliance accused of infringing the ‘722 patent.

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