
No “Skunk in the Jury Box”

January 10, 2024

Per Eastern District of Texas Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap, “applicable French law—consistent with American principles regarding personal property—does not, in this case, allow imputation of a prior patent owner’s conduct to a subsequent owner when determining if the subsequent owner has breached the FRAND commitment regarding standard essential patents (SEPs)”. “This case” is the litigation brought by G+ Communications LLC against Samsung, in which ZTE, the source of the patents-in-suit retains a 20% stake. At the impending trial, Samsung sought to introduce evidence of alleged “FRAND misconduct” by ZTE in support of a breach of FRAND counterclaim. Judge Gilstrap has said that such evidence cannot be introduced to the jury—but it can be to combat a charge of willful infringement. G+ promptly withdrew its willfulness claims.

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