
New Campaign Tags Customers of Three Web Crawler Companies with Websites Identifying Many Other Clients

March 19, 2017

Recently created Texas NPE Spider Search Analytics LLC has launched its first litigation campaign, asserting a single patent (7,454,430) in new cases against Restocks (6:17-cv-00161), Sears (6:17-cv-00162), and Tuva Labs (6:17-cv-00163). The ‘430 patent generally relates to web crawling, reciting the rare claim that can be economically quoted in its entirety: “1. A method for crawling the internet to locate pages relevant to an application and thus building a Web Crawler comprising: starting from a base set of application-dependent web pages or crystallization points; and applying breadth-first recursive crawling”. Spider Search’s complaints accuse each defendant of infringement through the use of web crawler development products supplied by other companies (not themselves named as defendants): Restocks as a customer of Apifier; Sears, of Diffbot; and Tuva Labs, of Scrapy. The complaints refer to the web sites of each of these supplier companies, which identify many other customers of their services.

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