
SportBrain Keeps Filing New Suits as PTAB Institutes Trial

March 29, 2017

In March 2017, SportBrain Holdings LLC added three more cases to its ever-expanding litigation campaign, suing Huami (1:17-cv-02250), Delfin (Oakley) (1:17-cv-02336), and Walgreen (1:17-cv-02337). The new filings follow a February 10 decision by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) to institute trial in an inter partes review (IPR) of the sole patent-at-issue (7,454,002), which generally relates to portable computing devices that wirelessly receive and integrate personal data. In recent, existing cases in the campaign, the NPE sought and received an extension of service and conference deadlines in order to consider “the possibility of staying th[e]  matter” in light of that institution decision. The accused products in the campaign have been wearable computing devices, including fitness trackers, smartwatches, and their associated apps.

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