
Having Avoided Alice, ThroughTEK Hits Reolink (and Retailers) Again

February 16, 2024

ThroughTEK Co., Ltd., together with its subsidiary ThroughTEK Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., has filed another District of Delaware complaint against Reolink Digital Technology (Reolink Innovation) (1:24-cv-00169), again also naming as defendants a set of retailers Amazon, eBay, Home Depot, Micro Electronics (Micro Center), and Walmart. The new case follows a February 5, 2024 report from Delaware Magistrate Judge Sherry R. Fallon, recommending the denial of a Reolink motion challenging claims from a separate patent under Alice, that patent “generally directed to . . . establishing a point-to-point (‘PSP’) connection by scanning an image, such as a bar code or QR code”. Per that report, “the focus of [the representative claim] is on a specific improvement to computer capabilities, as opposed to an abstract idea for which computers are invoked merely as a tool”.

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