
IPVal Tags Wal-Mart for Selling Bottled Water

July 7, 2017

Veraseal LLC, an affiliate of patent monetization firm IP Valuation Partners LLC (IPVal), has filed suit against Wal-Mart (2:17-cv-00527) over a patent (6,041,953) generally related to certain kinds of containers. The NPE accuses Wal-Mart of infringement through the sale of “containers with removable closures”, giving as an example the plastic bottles used for Poland Spring Water, made by a subsidiary of Nestle. Veraseal names as defendants Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. and Wal-Mart Stores Texas, LLC (both Delaware corporations based in Arkansas), pleading proper venue based principally on the presence of multiple Wal-Mart stores throughout Texas, including in the Eastern District.

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