
Samsung to Seek Roughly $26M in Fees and Costs in Staton Techiya Case

June 17, 2024

In early May 2024 after a bench trial, Eastern District of Texas Chief Judge Rodney Gilstrap ruled that the affirmative patent claims of Staton Techiya, LLC against Samsung should be dismissed with prejudice because those patents are unenforceable due to unclean hands. Per the court, “The clear and convincing weight of the evidence shows that the patent claims underlying this litigation are infected by the theft of Samsung’s sensitive confidential and attorney-client privileged information”, a “theft” enabled by the plaintiff’s engagement with its “litigation-agent” (and sometime coplaintiff) Synergy IP Corporation. In light of this ruling, Samsung has filed a motion for entry of judgment, facilitating appeal, and a motion to set a schedule for the court to consider a motion for fees and costs, which Samsung estimates to be around $26M.

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