
Rothschild Kicks Off POS Campaign

September 7, 2017

Last month Leigh M. Rothschild initiated a fourth litigation campaign in 2017 when his Coding Technologies, LLC targeted content delivery responsive to a picture of a QR code photographed with a “user terminal” (i.e., a smartphone). Two recently formed Rothschild entities were noted at the time—Electronic Receipts Delivery Systems LLC (ERDS) and RFID Technology Innovations, LLC—the first of which has now begun a litigation campaign of its own. ERDS filed separate lawsuits against Best Buy (2:17-cv-00629), FTD (2:17-cv-00630), GNC (2:17-cv-00631), Home Depot (2:17-cv-00632), and Target (2:17-cv-00633), accusing each defendant of infringing a single patent generally related to issuing digital receipts for transactions made over a network. Infringement allegations in the complaints target POS (point-of-sale) systems used by each defendant: hardware and software provided by AllEtronic by Best Buy and Target; FTD’s own Mercury Point of Sales; GNC’s alleged use of Verifone’s MX915 terminal with “flexReceipts” software; and the NCR Silver mobile POS system allegedly used by Home Depot.

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