
334 Calendar Days and Counting

July 21, 2024

Last week, the Federal Circuit denied an appeal filed by Backertop Licensing LLC and its sole owner and Texas paralegal Lori LaPray from an order in which Delaware Chief Judge Colm F. Connolly imposed a running civil contempt fine. Judge Connolly had ordered LaPray to appear before him in person to answer questions about the assets, control, and behavior of Backertop. She refused, and Judge Connolly fined her $200 per open day of court until she does. The appeals court has now backed Judge Connolly, ruling that his order requiring her to appear in person and his order imposing the civil contempt fine “were within the District Court’s inherent authority and were not abuses of discretion”. The fines began to run on August 23, 2023—roughly 334 calendar days ago.

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