
IoT Innovations Rat-a-Tat-Tats Savant Systems, Most Recently in Ohio

August 24, 2024

Empire IP LLC plaintiff IoT Innovations LLC acquired a portfolio of 40 patents from Intellectual Ventures LLC (IV) through four separate July 2022 assignments. It began suing over them in November of that year, first hitting Savant Systems (Savant Technologies) in October 2023. Savant responded to that first complaint with a motion to dismiss, challenging the three asserted patents as patent-ineligibly directed to abstract ideas, under Alice. IoT Innovations filed a second complaint, in January 2024. An Alice motion followed. IoT Innovations filed a third complaint, in April 2024. An Alice motion followed. Now, the plaintiff has filed a fourth complaint (1:24-cv-01403), perhaps triggering a countdown clock.

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