
Federal Circuit Trims $39.5M Finjan Verdict Against Blue Coat Systems, Prompting Mistrial in Second Case

January 11, 2018

The Federal Circuit has overturned part of a $39.5M verdict issued in August 2015 against Symantec subsidiary Blue Coat Systems in a lawsuit brought by Finjan, Inc., a subsidiary of publicly traded Finjan Holdings, Inc. (5:13-cv-03999). In a January 10 opinion, the Federal Circuit reversed a finding of infringement as to one of the asserted patents, thus lowering the verdict by $7.8M, and remanded as to the $24M damages award for another patent, ruling that Finjan had provided an erroneous damages calculation at trial (2016-2520). The issuance of that decision led District Judge Beth Labson Freeman to grant Blue Coat’s motion for a mistrial in the second of two trials in Finjan’s other case against the company, which had started just two days before (5:15-cv-03295).

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