
New NPE Launches Hybrid Networking and Semiconductor Campaign with Former ADC Telecommunications Patents

March 10, 2018

DIFF Scale Operation Research, LLC recorded the November 2017 assignment of over 20 patents acquired from CommScope on the same day that it asserted different subsets of those patents against seven defendants in a new litigation campaign. On March 8, the NPE filed two separate complaints in the District of Delaware against Cypress Semiconductor (1:18-cv-00372) and IDT (1:18-cv-00373) and five separate complaints in the Eastern District of Texas against Calix (2:18-cv-00063), Cisco (2:18-cv-00063), Huawei (2:18-cv-00063), Intel (Altera) (2:18-cv-00063), and Microsemi (2:18-cv-00063). Most of the patents generally relate to virtual networking, while some broadly concern using phase-locked loops (PLLs) to generate clock signals. Across the defendants, accused products range from multiservice networking platforms to certain FPGAs (field-programmable gate arrays).

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