
Former Paxfire Patents Asserted Against Cisco in New Networking Campaign

June 21, 2018

Bushnell Hawthorne, LLC has filed suit against Cisco (1:18-cv-00760), alleging infringement of two network communications patents, one generally related to modifying a DNS (Domain Name Service) request based on geography to identify the optimum server to handle the communication and the other characterized as using “predictive intelligence” to provide secure redirection. Bushnell Hawthorne accuses Cisco of infringing the first through provision of certain load balancing and routing products, including Global Site Selector and GeoDB; the second, through provision of certain security products, including Umbrella and OpenDNS. The patents were originally developed at Paxfire, a defunct operating company with a somewhat storied past—a past that includes prior litigation against OpenDNS before its acquisition by Cisco.

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