Inventor-Controlled NPE Files Second Suit Against Apple, Targeting the Series 4 Watch with New Patent
Omni MedSci, Inc. has filed a second suit against Apple (2:18-cv-00134), asserting three patents from the family already at issue in the April case. The patents generally relate to a “personal device”/wearable using “optical beams”/“near infrared lasers” for measurement, with the NPE targeting the Apple Watch, alleged to measure heart rate using semiconductor LEDs. In April, Omni MedSci asserted four patents from the family, calling out several Watch models, including Series 1, Series 2, Series 3 GPS, and Series 3 GPS + Cellular watches. In the new complaint, Omni MedSci targets those models—together with the Series 4, released in September 2018—with two of the patents already in suit and with the newest family member, just issuing to Omni MedSci on October 16.
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