Exclusive Licensee of Patents and Copyrights Held by Texas A&M Alleges Infringement by Broadcom
December 19, 2018
TexasLDPC Inc. (d/b/a Symbyon Systems) has begun litigating a family of low-density parity check decoder (LDPC) patents held by the Texas A&M University System, of which the plaintiff pleads that it is the exclusive licensee under a June 18, 2015 agreement. The new complaint targets Broadcom (1:18-cv-01966) over the provision of SSD controllers and Wi-Fi chipsets supporting 802.11ac and 802.11ad. The accused products allegedly contain LDPC decoders, which the complaint describes as “decod[ing] data that has been encoded using an LDPC code, a type of error correcting code”.
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