Systems and methods for the control of dynamic data and request criteria in a data repository
DC CAFCFirst Claim
1. In a computer system for controlling and monitoring data maintained in a data repository, such data being exchanged with a client by transmission of said data between the repository and client, comprising in combination:
- repository source means from which data is obtained, said data eligible to be a component of a transmission;
means for extracting and parsing data contained within transmissions occurring between said repository means and client, said data being additionally eligible to be a component of data exchanged with and understood by said repository source means engaging in such a transmission;
means for using a mnemonic notation to describe a placement order of data by its position within a transmission, said transmission occurring between said repository means and client, said notation being a set of finite character sequences specified by a designer so as to be unique from transmission content, said notation further being eligible to be used as content of a notational fragment;
means for using a mnemonic notation to describe the placement order of data by its position within a data construct created by said repository source means, said notation being a set of finite character sequences specified by a designer so as to be unique from said data, said notation further being eligible to be used as content of a notational fragment;
means for using a mnemonic notation to describe the placement order of data by its position within a data construct accepted by a repository source means, said notation being a set of finite character sequences specified by a designer so as to be unique from said data, said notation being unique from commands understood by the repository source, said notation further being eligible to be used as content of a notational fragment;
means for using a mnemonic notation to describe the placement order of current data by its position within a future transmission, said data being portions of content provided by a repository source means; and
means to deny a substitution of portions of transmission content and a providing of content to said repository source means and a retrieval of content from said repository source means, said denial derived from the comparison of a privilege value specific to the transmission with said repository source means predetermined privilege value.
2 Assignments
0 Petitions
Accused Products
Systems and methods for controlling the dissemination of data from a repository based on the substitution of content contained within a generated response. The systems and methods are used by the repository to allow for the transfer of data that is not known or anticipated until the time of an access. For each access whose intent is to provide data to the repository or to retrieve variable data held by the repository, the repository uses the systems and methods to manage novel information structures whose purpose is to facilitate the substitution of the variable portions of content and to apply a privilege value to the portions that are variable. Using the concept of a “notational fragment”, the systems and methods are capable of assembling a variable result that has interaction with a data source. In addition, using a file structure known as a “Query Template Construct (“QTC”)” the systems and methods provide for the language syntax of a data source to have variable portions.
7 Claims
1. In a computer system for controlling and monitoring data maintained in a data repository, such data being exchanged with a client by transmission of said data between the repository and client, comprising in combination:
repository source means from which data is obtained, said data eligible to be a component of a transmission;
means for extracting and parsing data contained within transmissions occurring between said repository means and client, said data being additionally eligible to be a component of data exchanged with and understood by said repository source means engaging in such a transmission;
means for using a mnemonic notation to describe a placement order of data by its position within a transmission, said transmission occurring between said repository means and client, said notation being a set of finite character sequences specified by a designer so as to be unique from transmission content, said notation further being eligible to be used as content of a notational fragment;
means for using a mnemonic notation to describe the placement order of data by its position within a data construct created by said repository source means, said notation being a set of finite character sequences specified by a designer so as to be unique from said data, said notation further being eligible to be used as content of a notational fragment;
means for using a mnemonic notation to describe the placement order of data by its position within a data construct accepted by a repository source means, said notation being a set of finite character sequences specified by a designer so as to be unique from said data, said notation being unique from commands understood by the repository source, said notation further being eligible to be used as content of a notational fragment;
means for using a mnemonic notation to describe the placement order of current data by its position within a future transmission, said data being portions of content provided by a repository source means; and
means to deny a substitution of portions of transmission content and a providing of content to said repository source means and a retrieval of content from said repository source means, said denial derived from the comparison of a privilege value specific to the transmission with said repository source means predetermined privilege value. - View Dependent Claims (2, 3, 4, 5)
6. The method of describing a placement order of data by its position within a transmission and within a construct that is understood by a repository source means comprising the steps of:
using mnemonic notations to describe the placement order of data by its position within a transmission and within a data construct created by said repository source means, said notations being a set of finite character sequences specified by a designer so as to be unique from said data, said notations further being eligible to be used as content of a notational fragment;
using a user interface that allows the designer to select transmissions and repository source means that will use said mnemonic notations;
parsing a format of a transmission and the format of data understood by a repository source means into a symbolic notation, said notation describing portions of said data that will be replaced;
recognizing the symbolic notation when it occurs within a transmission and when it occurs within a construct understood by a repository source means;
assigning a correspondence between mnemonic notations used within a transmission and in values accepted and returned by a repository source means;
determining and comparing privilege values assigned to specific transmissions and repository source means data with a privilege value assigned to the symbolic notations;
reducing a multiple of mnemonic references to a single reference when said multiple references identify the same data object provided by said repository source means; and
using mnemonic notations to describe the placement order of current data by its position within a future transmission, said data being portions of content provided by said repository source means. - View Dependent Claims (7)